So, here we are. You're probably reading this and saying to yourself, "This is about to be some depressing AF reading! I mean I've been kind of looking at their page and it's nothing but sadness, struggles, and to top it off THEY'RE A BLACK COUPLE! Their whole life is a struggle bus. Let's talk about CLICHE!" Well... YOU WOULD BE RIGHT. My husband has been doing mostly (okay ALL) of the blogs so far. I haven't had anything to say worth typing. Partly because I was newly grieving myself for my dad and the other part, I was afraid that everything we said was just sad and who wants to continue to read that? Everything that Keenan and I have endured so far within our marriage has been, let's be real, depressing as heck! Besides us getting married of course lol. But, then I thought, "Let's address the obvious." Yes, we've been through some heavy stuff very quickly in our marriage. Yes it seems like it's only what our marriage is encompassing at this point in time; but I wanted people to understand that there is more. More to me, more to my husband, and definitely more to our marriage. The reason we speak on the heavy is because when my husband and I post pictures I often get feed back of how sickeningly cute we are as a couple. Behind the smiles, the kisses, and the photo itself are two very lost people trying to figure IT out. Whatever IT maybe. I think that's the scary part for myself. I don't know what IT is. I feel unsure of myself. I look at my husband and he says that he is a mess of his own but I just don't see that within him. To me he is very put together, accomplished, and can we say goal driven. I on the other hand: still in school, no job, and still trying to declare my focus within my psychology major. And let the people say together "Lord HELP this child!" I push myself to keep going though. "One day at a time, babygirl," my daddy would say. So, that's what I try to do. Take this depressing sh** one day at a time and find the little joys of everyday life. I'm finding that it's the little things that really put a smile on my, well our faces.