Get out and learn something
There are so many things I want to do with this life. The photo represented is a pretty accurate depiction of what usually goes on in my mind, and it usually starts at 130a right before I am about to fall asleep. I know sucks right? Topics range from, what did I forget today, who did I forget to call, is KJ okay, am I ok, when can I start gaming, how am I supposed to pay for that, what will I eat if I am trying to get healthier, why am I still up, did I put enough hours in this week, did I sleep enough, is moving the right decision for me, Yes it is, how are you going to make money of f that, and the list goes on and on and on.
Your Man here got some much needed clarity in recent days. After my beautiful wife was able to surprise her mom and come back to Vegas for the week, I have been able to think more undoubtedly to myself. We literally only have one life, why am I wasting it thinking about what to do, when I can take steps forward towards my goals and make what I want a reality. Most people get the normal speech from family about figure it out for yourself, save, grass isn't always greener on the other side, etc. All of this is true but it doesn't answer the question that plagues me most. What do I do? The answer came out of a random YouTube video, you know the one you type in "Chiropractic adjustments" and one video pops up for what you were looking for and the next video is "how much money I made in two weeks from owning a vending machine" one of those videos. The video I came across was a man who goes by the name of ReyesTheEntrepreneur. Like myself he has many ideas, and not all of them are sure fire deals, but he has some success and tidbits of quotes which have awaken an older fire for wanting to succeed and thrive. For me finding that passion for something outside my love for KJ has been a struggle since my mother died in April. Yet, it has been rekindled none the less.
I have already put together a list of Goals I want to eventually accomplish, and even started writing out ways to reach for those dreams. In doing this I know when dealing with business you have to find niche market to hit and play to your strengths to be successful. For me I like too many things, but I am young so mistakes now won't be as difficult of a wound to lick as it would be if I were older. I don't know how yet, but slowly and surly I will figure out how to combine my passion for games, art, charity, the hustle for gains and family, into something I and my family could be proud of. The grass is greener where you water it. So I am going to Go Out And Learn Something, and remain a student to the game.