Hello all, long time no speak. I’ve got some catching up to do so let’s just jump into it shall we? Like the famous line from Jurassic Park from Jeff Goldbloom, “life finds a way”, I can see with every detail of my life, God has a plan. My sister Ms. Walls used to say when my mom was around, “she’s not always right…. right now,…just wait she will be”. Things have happened in my life that I can say couldn’t hold truer to Him with me.
I started at Enterprise and had this plan to move up and move up quickly. That was my focus. Get into corporate America make that bag and drudge along the rest of my life until I could buy a home retire etc. The American Dream, right? For some yes, but for me there was no meaning to the monotonous routine of the Enterprise way. I wanted to go into car sales, I wanted to move up I didn’t want to be stagnant. I was tired of being dormant in my life. I didn’t know how to express my frustration with my reality, I basically gave up on myself because I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I knew what I wanted to do but with no clear path to achieve I remained still. This will be important later, I will explain.
One month after my mom passed, I returned to Vegas back to work like nothing had even happened the world spun, no sweat off its brow. I was super close to a workplace dream/want of becoming an Enterprise Used Car Salesman. I had done well with sales that month and ended up winning an invite to the car sales event in Vegas. I left work early and was super excited to meet with the car sales heads in this non formal event that was taking place. For me it was important I could show them who I was and show them that they would want me on their team in the upcoming months when they opened their new store. I never made it.
Switching lanes on the highway going 65 there was no one visibly in sight in front of the car in the lane I was switching to. On this June summer day, I mistakenly took my eyes off the road to drink from my bottle, it was 115 degrees outside. 3, 2, 1, brake lights…. impact. I rear ended this vehicle, luckily no one was hurt. This is where I started to notice the chain of events that showed me day to day month to month year to year, He has been looking out for me.
That day I was driving my mom’s car, nervous I was not on her insurance still since I had my own car, I proceeded to file a claim with my insurance. Turned out I was still listed on hers as well full coverage and everything, tick He’s got a plan for me. Insurance customer service that day sucked but I digress, no issues that are noteworthy. However, this initial event is important later on as well.
So didn’t make it to the car sales event, I got into my first accident, tow service was poor (tow guy placed my car too far from the curb) got a ticket, had to tow my car to dealership, another fee it just kept racking up. Two days later I returned to work business as usual. A little banged up but I must pay the bills so back I went. That day there was a customer I went above and beyond for searching for a rental he needed to make his trip successful with a client. Turns out he was a lawyer, told him my story of what had just happened and he handed me his card and said call my office Ill take care of the collision ticket for you, and since its your first offense ill get it down to parking violation, and do it pro bono. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
A few months pass and I marry mi amor, mi vida, my corozon y mi alma. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
The next month I applied for a promotion, no joy. The next month, no joy. The next opportunity, no joy. January hits, wife’s father is ill, she goes to Kansas to be with her family. He passes, I pack my stuff and move to Kansas too. She was where she needed to be, with family. Turned out its where I needed to be as well.
With the recent passing the gift that was left was substantial to clear our marriage’s and unknowingly soon to be family of major debts and headaches. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
I keep trucking along with Enterprise still stagnant having moved so many times, I couldn’t find foothold despite my continued loyalties. I went to part time and took a chance and business ownership. I worked as a private contractor cleaning chimneys for my aunt. It was an incredible experience it was fun; it was eye opening and it was challenging. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
I bought a truck, got a ladder rack fitted, waited a month…I bought a lemon. Engine is out after 32 days one day after the warranty was up. I didn’t know what I was going to do I just knew I wasn’t going back to Enterprise I needed to make something work. After talking with my wife, she agreed to let me buy one more work van that had everything I needed and would need. By her agreeing to something like that to help me towards my dream I knew, tick He’s got a plan for me.
January 1, 2020, we are having a baby! January 3, 2020, she’s having excruciating and debilitating pain in her abdomen…We are HAVING TWINS!! THE rOlLER cOaSTEr cONTinUEs, tick He’s got a plan for me.
Also, in January 2020 no more private contracting jobs due to covid. Tick He’s got a plan for me?
March 2020, we move into an apartment mailbox is broken. April door to our building was shattered for over a week. May…. knock knock knock…”hello its Lenexa swat there’s a problem with one of your neighbors were going to have to ask you to leave for a few hours”. Tick He’s got a plan for me?
Next baby love goes to the 5 months check up by herself for the first time because of covid. One of the Baby boy’s heartbeat is no longer present. Dad’s if you can NEVER I REPEAT NEVER let your wife go to an appointment alone, wait in the parking lot, but never let her go alone I can guarantee that was the longest drive home of her life not being able to tell me over the phone and being alone to think about it without letting it out. My heart still hurts for my love because that time frame I could have been there. One of the babies was still growing beautifully. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
Some time passes I pick up a part time job at amazon, and luckily because of how long I was with Enterprise they granted me insurance benefits even though I was part time, but I knew if I was to remain sane I needed a new job with benefits that would last after all I was about to have a baby boy. So, I started work at Aaron’s. Yes there’s 2 weeks parental leave, yes insurance starts after 30 days so your child will have insurance by the time he gets here, so I was told. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
Baby boy is born! Tick He’s got a plan for me.
1 month in he’s still in NICU. Is he ok? Will he make it out? Will it be safe when he’s out? What do we do? How do we do it? Are we ready? He can’t meet any of his family here, or really when he gets out either, what do we do? 2 months in, he’s still there day in day out, will be ok? End of 2 months baby boy is coming home. Photos spiral out of control we can’t help it he’s amazing. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
So, you can’t take parental leave to be with your kid unless you’ve been with the company for 1 year, thanks for the heads up. Also, you missed the one month cut off to send his birth certificate in to make sure he’s on your insurance, to this day his is not on my insurance. Thanks for the heads up. Day we leave the hospital, nurse walks in, Kai has been granted Medicaid, so all his bills back dating to when he was admitted have been taken care of. *Tears of joy and gratefulness* Tick He’s got a plan for me.
We decided to buy a house I was tired of investing in other people I wanted to invest in my family’s future. Need a down payment don’t have money for a down payment and to pay down some bills. Still have a truck that is just sitting there. Me: “babe can I sell the van” Her: “if it means we can look at houses” Me: “done”. Still need a down payment and now I must pay to get out of my leasing contract with the apartment, and there’s only so much I can pull out for these moves we want to make. I can’t make the down payment anymore and now we can’t buy a house. I have failed my wife again. Realtor texts me the next day. Chuck: “hey I heard you were having trouble with a down payment let me send you a program to look into that requires no money down.” Me: “Chuck you’re a God send it worked” you saved our mission to afford our own home for our family. Thank you. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
A lot has gone on I know believe me but that’s not quite all. While all of this was happening KJ said I needed to find focus in what I wanted to do and to stick to it. Uncle Michael who’s also our pastor said that he knew a guy that was in the construction industry that has renovated homes and done amazing work for the community, and I should reach out to him. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
I reached out and by the grace of God this man has been the mentor I have been asking for my entire life, in the industry I’ve wanted to succeed in since I graduated college. He asked me what my goals were, how he could help get me there and if he could help once I was there. Like Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty answering people’s prayers I responded with a “YES TO ALL!” LOL. With his guidance and my wife’s push I finally figured out what was I was missing this whole time and why I was so stagnant. Yes, my family is my motivating factor, but a big part of that is a happiness and money factor. I needed a purpose for me I have found with my art in College my purpose was what drove me the most. So, I found my purpose and have been working towards that on my off days, and no longer remain stagnant in my ways. Tick He’s got a plan for me.
Last but certainly not least as to why I know He’s got a plan for me. This past weekend my dad and stepmom came into town. I was blessed with a position to be able to adjust my off days, but I couldn’t take any days off, I just couldn’t afford to. However, family is the most important part of my life and I wanted to spend time with my father and the bundle of joy that is his grandson. From the day he arrived he glowed the way I expected my mom glow. I never thought I would see that type of happiness manifested physically. He had a smile from ear to ear. I knew I needed to spend more time with him during this initial weekend meet, but I just couldn’t when suddenly this happened. It’s the last day I’m at work before my day off they have already arrived and seen baby boy. However, while at work my wife calls. Her: “Babe do you know a Vargas?” Me: “Maybe I know a few why?” Her: “You’re being sued, I was just served papers for you.” Turns out there was an issue with the people I had gotten into an accident with they waited 2 years to file a complaint and lawsuit against me for 30k. Told you earlier it was important. Long story short I reached out to my insurance they said they’d take care of it because the accident was fully covered and they have been trying to reach out to the other party since September of 2019. So, the suit was unnecessary. By the grace of God I took a half day spent the rest of the day with my family, and reveled in the fact that, tick He’s got a plan for me.