Out of Vegas and out to Olathe we have come.
It's nice, like really nice. I've never been one for the big city life like Vegas, but I knew that Northfield, Mn was way too small as well. It's the suburb that Kj and I honestly have been looking for to start our family. Yet, we still have a ways to go. It feels like the closer we get the longer we have to wait. Although it sounds like complaining, I low-key welcome it because it forces us to slow down and consider all possibilities. I want to keep moving, the way my mind keeps churning, but it tends to be in a perpetual state of overdrive, which is where I DON'T want to be. Stagnant seems to be taking 5 steps back too though.
Now I feel like I'm in this binary dilemma of slow down or keep pushing. That's fortunately not the case. We've got a soft timeline of one and half to two years to figure it out, plan, work, grow. That leaves me at 27 years old, Graduated, with 5 years of on the job business and retail work experience, a recently graduated wife with all of her work experience and possibly a kid either 1 year old or on the way. For those of you reading this that knew me when I was a baby, does that make you feel old or what LOL ?! Don't worry we are not rushing into that!
When we moved in everything was off the pod in a matter of an hour or two, but it was still too much. We had to account for the space that were occupying was not ours. So the trash bags you see and the box next to it we are just donating at the local donation drop, we figured we will be starting over anyway why not?
Much of the stuff we brought was bare essentials or things we absolutely couldn't part with from our previous home. My mom did bless us with many items upon her passing, but much of that was her stuff. It took me a long time to accept the fact that I could let her stuff so that I could build my own life with my own things. Even today it hurts that most of her stuff is gone but I'm sure she'd be proud of me for being my own man.
I will say that moving sucks, but we will get to where we want to be eventually. Even though our stuff is boxed up for the most part we know what we want to do, why we want to do it, and relatively how to get there. Right now these were the cards we were dealt and we will do what is necessary to be happy. As of now it's just being and taking life one day at a time like always!